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Company Profile

The PA is the only state authority that is charged with the sale of state-owned assets and with the implementation of the government policy in the sphere of privatization.
Full Company Name: Privatization Agency
Main Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: + 359 2 9805460
Contact Person:
Postal Address: 29 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Areas of Interest: Government |
Profile: The PA is the only state authority that is charged with the sale of state-owned assets and with the implementation of the government policy in the sphere of privatization.

The PA is the only state authority that is charged with the sale of state-owned assets and with the implementation of the government policy in the sphere of privatization. The PA functions include the drafting of an Annual Action Plan, the preparation of the state-owned enterprises for divestment, the specification of the terms for privatization of the available set of assets, the preparation of the documentation relevant to the privatization process, the specification of the method of sale, the performance of an active marketing campaign, the development of clear rules for the privatization of each individual facility, the maintenance of a Public Register of Completed Sales and the provision of information to the broad public about the progress of the privatization process. To that end, detailed quarterly Reports on the PA Proceedings and Statistical Data are drafted as a tool to report on the status of the state-owned assets that are involved in privatization.

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